-Weight: 19 lbs. 1 oz. (75%)
-Height: 28.25 inches (96% <--Russell's proud of that)
-Head: Big enough (85%)
We weighed him on Valentine's Day and he was just over 20 lbs, so he's definitely not little! His hands are still big and sausage-fingered and his cheeks still attract a lot of attention, in an adorable way.
He's a GREAT eater when he's not distracted by other stuff and does a good job of keeping his plumbing going. He eats baby food (rice cereal, fruit, veggies...) and the occasional big people food (bananas, teeny pieces of bread, rice) in his high chair, which we all dig (thanks, Mom and Da'). We're going half-and-half formula and nursing, although he's getting wishy-washy as to whether or not he wants to keep nursing. Ty's just super distracted; even if there's nothing going on and we're in the dark in his room, he arches his back and looks at the door where he knows something could be happening that he might miss! (Sounds like why I always went to bed last out of all my roommates in college.) Anyway, we'll see how that plays out. My goal was to nurse until he was 6 months old and figure it out after that, so whatever. He's currently experimenting with a sippy cup, which he usually just chews on...
In other Ty news, he's a great sitter-upper and will even "fall" (I can't quite tell if it's intentional) onto his tummy if he really wants to play with something. He loves mirrors (who can blame him?!) and is starting to like baths more and more. Ty still drools like there's a drought coming and chews on stuff. One of his favorite toys is the box that our toothpaste came in. Actually, he likes playing with the tube of toothpaste, too! He has discovered how fun his feet can be ("wee, wee, wee, this is how fun toes can be!") and sucks on his socks until he finally pulls them off. Simple pleasures, ya know?
Ty likes playing with the computer/keyboard so Russell bought him his own. He looks like so dweeby in this picture, but I think that's why I like it!
Oh, and sleeping! He used to sleep through the night (from 8 weeks until 5 1/2 months) then stopped when he was teething and he is just getting back into the habit...sorta. We finally moved him out of our room after we were back from holiday vacations and visitors were no longer here and he's totally fine in his crib. It's kinda nice, actually... He's a good boy at going to sleep and doesn't need to be rocked lots or cry it out; he sometimes will play some and then sleep. Anyway, we're happy to have him and it's so fun to see his little personality start to come out and see him pick up new things. For example, he now will put his arms out when he's getting picked up. Did I mention he's a cuddler? There are few things better than having the Ty Guy curl up on your shoulder, both arms huggin' ya. Come and try it.
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