Monday, August 29, 2011

And one last thing: The Heat.

It's hot in Las Vegas.  Duh.  You knew that when you decided to move here, so there's really no sense in complaining about it.  I, personally, would probably rather have extreme heat (with AC, of course) rather than extreme cold.  When we got back from our 2-month summer excursions up north, our AC had been off, so I turned it on knowing that it would take a while to cool our apartment down.  36 hours later, we were wondering why it was still 95 degrees indoors!  (Yuck.)  We had a bit of a rough night sleeping--you better know I cuddled up with a squirt bottle--and finding motivation to get up and unpack since moving would create more heat.  Turns out something just needed to be reset in our system and now the air is blowing nicely...and probably expensively.

We had a "heat warning" on Wednesday and Thursday of last week with temperatures reaching around 114.  I understand that it's important to point out any oddities in the weather, but once it gets to above 100 degrees, it might as well be 114.  Really, though.  It's not like I'm planning on being in the sun all day, anyway.  The worst part about the heat here is its inability to chill out (hehe).  The "lows" reach the mid-80s at night.  And by night I mean 2 a.m. because when we checked at 9 p.m. a few days ago, it was still over 100.  Anyway, the good news is we're not melting.  The bad?  The AC in our car sounds like it's dying.  :( 

Happy Summer, everyone.


  1. At least it's not humid. Growing up I always sort of laughed when people from the south would complain about it being wretchedly hot in the 90's. Now I understand. Humid heat is worse than Vegas dry heat. But you'll survive! BTW-Ty's a hunk!

  2. Yes, you are lucky it's not humid. :) We just moved to Texas and it has been over 100 plus humidity. Not fun! 'Course, as expensive as it gets I am so grateful for the AC.
    By the way, your Ty-guy is such a cute little boy!
