Sunday, October 23, 2011

Oh, Second-graders...

Although the opportunity cost was greater than I had hoped for my substituting last Friday, at least I was entertained by a second-grade class.  Here are some things I learned while "teaching" them:
    -Second-graders don't get sarcasm nor do they like to laugh and joke with the teacher.  I could never teach second grade.
    -If you cry at recess because the other guys won't let you play their game with them, lots of little girls will come running to your aide.
    -If you're the only one assigned to do a special job in the class, even if it's just holding open the door, it's awesome.
    -Whatever happens to these kids in the 5 years between 2nd grade and middle school changes them exponentially.

And of course, the quotes of the day:
    -(After lots of rambling and following me around on the playground) "My Nana has a chihuahua and she'd 2 and she's on her period."  Apparently, those fact were important for me to know.
    -(Innocently looking at a globe for an assignment) "What's that country?  Niger?  Is that country called Niger?"  I made a swift correction to his pronunciation of "Niger" to have the letter "g" making the "j" sound.  Yikes.
    -Kid 1: "How do you spell helicopter?"  Kid 2: (Rolls eyes--duh.)  "H-e-l-l-a..."  Nice try, but not quite.

Oh, second grade, you are so naive...but cute.  :)


  1. Love catching up through your blog. Cute pix, great descriptions of happenings. But subbing in 2nd grade - probably my favorite grade! They're old enough to wipe their own noses and tie their own shoes, still love helping each other out and are generally nice to each other, and not yet so grown up they don't like stickers and other such fun goodies.

    Ty is getting bigger and cuter! Fun pix!

  2. Carolyn: I can TOTALLY see you up in front of the class cracking jokes and laughing to yourself with those kids looking at you like "what...?" :) Glad you ... enjoyed the experience!

  3. Did you ask the helicopter kid if he was from nor-cal? :)
