-feeling babies move
-reason/appetite to eat basically as much as I want (an extra 600 calories a day? You know that's not all calories from broccoli!)
-knowing we'll have more kids (because we usually like the one we have lots)
-sympathy/attention from others (I hope that's not wrong/selfish, because it's kinda true)
-wearing cute maternity clothes
-not having to "suck it in" in a swimsuit or any other tighter article of clothing
-Ty kissing or hugging my tummy
-easier taking care of babies inside than out!
Not like:
-feeling babies move up into my ribs, down in my bladder, and an occasional painful jab
-swelling feet & legs=shoes uncomfortable and restless sitting/standing
-low energy
-harder to take deep breaths
-easily(-er) irritated
-feeling the need to pee all the ding-dong-dang time (the other night: midnight, 3 a.m., 7 a.m. and I usually have a pretty strong bladder!)
-pillows taking priority over Russell in bed
When people ask how I'm doing, I say, "Just fine." or "I'm good!" which really isn't a lie. All things considered, I AM fine: no bed rest, no crazy pains, no gestational diabetes, no nausea or sickness, and no super premature babies. If we are comparing how I feel now with how I felt a year ago, I'd probably say, "Not so great." Maybe my best response should be, "All things considered, I'm a little uncomfortable, but I really am doing well. Thanks for asking."
Anyway, here's a 30-week visual: