Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mini Miracle Prayer

(50th post!)
 Since Ty has been teething (he has 2 little bottom teeth now), he's been a little more irritable and a lot more difficult to calm when he cries.  Sometimes he'll just be happy, then immediately bust out into tears, and in 3 seconds is full-on wailing.  My dad appropriately nicknamed him "0-60."  Not only does he get worked up quickly, he's also very loud.  Like pierce your ears loud.  Like "sorry about the screaming baby keeping you awake, neighbors" loud.  Anyway, because crying is generally a sign of discomfort or otherwise unhappiness, lately in our prayers we've been asking for Ty to be happy--pretty general, right?  A couple of nights ago Ty Guy was all worked up and inconsolable.  He wouldn't take a binky, refused a bottle, and even kept crying through looking in the mirror while bouncing.  What the heck?!  This all happened just as Russell and I were sitting down to dinner.  Finally, Ty calmed down enough for me to hold him while he ate (drank) and with tears still rolling down his chubby cheeks, I said our prayer for the food before we ate.  In it I asked that Ty could be happy.  Immediately after I said that, Ty stopped eating and looked at me (yes, I opened my eyes during a prayer), broke into a huge smile, and started laughing!  Russell and I cracked up, too and Ty kept laughing throughout the prayer as I tried to finish with whatever teeny bit of reverence was left.  Although many of our prayerful pleas are not so quickly answered, I suppose the message here is that there is no prayer too small that our Father in Heaven doesn't hear and respond to.  I'm grateful for the opportunity to pray and for a family with whom to pray.  I'm also grateful that Ty is generally a very happy little boy, but if he's not, I know just what to do.  ;)

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