Sunday, October 23, 2011

Missing Something?

When I was in 5th grade, a friend of mine called (and a phone call was a big deal to a 5th-grader) and we talked for a little while until she revealed her reason for calling: she wanted ideas on what to get the birthday girl for a party she was attending later that week.  I knew this birthday girl, too--we were all in the same class--and I also knew I wasn't invited.  My friend knew I wasn't invited, but still wanted to tell me all about how much fun it was going to be.  I hated the feeling of exciting stuff going on with out me. 
Fast forward a few years.  During my junior year of high school I was working at a lovely cart/kiosk in the mall that sold gel candles and came home one after work one Saturday exhausted.  I decided to take a good nap before going to the church Valentine's Dance that night, which also happened to be one of my favorite nights of the year.  (Ya know, booty-shakin' while looking around for a little cupid-esque action.)  I woke up at 8 a.m. the next freakin' morning!  I had slept right through the dance and totally missed out.  The next day in church I heard all  about it, especially about how much fun it was.  I hated that I had missed it. 
I suppose I know that's why I was usually the last to go to bed among roommates in my college days: I didn't want to miss anything.  Somehow this desire amplifies significantly when a child is in the picture, particularly my own.   
I felt the same "let's-talk-about-a-party-you're-not-invited-to" feeling right after I dropped off Ty at a friend's house to watch him for the day as I went to substitute a 2nd-grade class.  I took the sub job before I realized that it coincided with the day the playgroup was going to the pumpkin patch.  We went to this pumpkin patch last year (twice, actually) but since Ty was only 3 months old, we had only taken pictures.  This time he got a "group pass" for unlimited rides, the petting zoo, a train around the place, and a little goodie bag, not to mention watching Ty "Oh! Oh! Oooo!" at every pumpkin he saw.  And....I missed it.  I may or may not have gotten a little choked up while driving to the elementary school.  Dramatic?  Yes, but also frustrating to me because this is why I don't work full-time/regularly: so I can be around for the "events."  As a large-mouthed man I never knew once said, "I don't wanna miss a thang."  And I don't.  There will be more pumpkin patch-like trips and lots of things that I will inevitably not be around for, but for as much of it as I can, I'll be there.

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