Sunday, April 22, 2012

Green Valley Stake Fun Run!

Our little family participated in the church-sponsored Fun Run yesterday.  I guess the "Fun" part about the Run is that you could actually just walk.  Lucky for me, too, because I currently have a condition that would prevent running from being fun: it's called lazy-out-of-shape-ness.  Russell was running the 5k, I was doing the 1-mile, and Ty was "racing" in the stroller I pushed.  We got to the race just as it was about to start, so I went inside to fill up our water bottles.  As I came out, everybody had left and Russell still had Ty!  Oops.  I strapped Ty-ty into the stroller so Russell could take off and we started on our short race, or as Ty kept calling it, the "race car."  There was a course mapped out and a water station at the 1-mile turnaround that Ty and I pit stopped at.  

Considering that we started about 2 minutes after everyone else, I'd say we did a pretty good job catching up to the "speedy" stroller pack.  A few times I would stop so that Ty could say, "Ready...GO!" and I'd jog for a bit.  Luckily, all of those times happened to coincide with the downhill parts of the course...convenient!  At the end of the race, everyone got a medal, which Ty wore happily as we waited for Russell.  He was, after all, going 3x our distance.  At the end, I felt like I could have gone a longer distance/jogged more, but I guess it's better for me to feel like that than be passed out on the side of the road.  Who knows what my body's doing nowadays!? 

Here's Russell running in, just before the finish line.  As soon as Ty saw him, he broke down crying.  What is it with this kid and his emotional response to seeing his parents do anything?  (He cries when he sees: Russell playing in his softball game, me dancing in recitals or singing with the choir in church, and apparently, Russell running in a race!) 
 He was very anxious to get to his Daddy.  I was happy to congratulate him, but less anxious to get all up in his post-run business.  Russell awarded himself "Sweatiest Shirt."
 Although still a bit sad, he didn't want to be put down! 
 My racing buddy showing his official number.  :)
 Russell and classmate Jason after the race. 
The 1-mile racing team!  I'm pretty sure we were the quickest in the 4-in-1 category--pushing 1 and carrying 2 has to be worth something, right?
 Posed action shot...
After the race, we were rewarded with a nicely air-conditioned gym and a delicious pancake breakfast (pancakes, eggs, sausage, bananas, and OJ).  The babies must have run real hard because they asked me to go back and get seconds, heavy on the buttered pancakes.  ;)  Maybe we should do this every Saturday: family time, exercise, and good food!

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