Friday, September 23, 2011

International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

In case you didn't know (and, no, I didn't make this up--look it up) September 19th is International Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day!  We didn't do too much Pirate talking...well, maybe Ty did, but we don't understand what he says anyway.  So instead of “Arrrgh-“ talking, after I got back from my dance class Ty and I changed into the appropriate attire for the evening.  I took a whole 2 minutes to get our "costumes" together so please don't judge.  Our hearts were in the right place. 
The Great Pirate Costume Reveal for Russell
 Ty was just making sure my eye was still there.  I didn't quite have time to explain the whole eye patch thing to him.
 I love this little Cap'n!  (Again, I had just gotten home from a dancin' workout...just thought I'd send out that little reminder.)
 Since it was Monday night, for Family Home Evening we played "hall bowling."  This means that I've been saving the last 6 baby puff snack containers (which got a little hard because Ty kinda slowed his intake a few months ago), set 'em up (that was my job), and we rolled a ball down the hall to knock them over.  Ever the thrower, Ty didn't quite get whole rolling the soccer...err...bowling ball down to the pins.  Good thing we had walls to act as bumpers!  He'll probably catch on a little better in a few months.
 Here's our lovely game.  You're welcome to come and play; it's pretty easy to pick it up.
 You know what that is, right?  Pirate's Booty.  :)  I think that's a good note to end on.  Until next year, practice your Pirate Talk!

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